速報APP / 娛樂 / True Boo

True Boo


檔案大小:80.9 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


True Boo(圖1)-速報App

Dating is very hard. People are often dating multiple people at once and then get confused about who to spend their time with. This app has discovered the formula for success - the True Boo formula. By inserting some information, we'll tell you who in your dating pool is your best match. The True Boo formula has ranked the top 16 criteria in a very specific order and you will be asked to rate your date(s) based on those rankings. But if you think a certain criterion is more/less valuable in your owns eyes, you can rearrange the rankings to your liking for only $0.99 and then rank your date(s). Once you've added at least two dates, it's a foot race between them! We'll tell you who you should spend your time with, and who you should not! Always remember, nobody is perfect, including you.

True Boo(圖2)-速報App

True Boo(圖3)-速報App

True Boo(圖4)-速報App

True Boo(圖5)-速報App

True Boo(圖6)-速報App
